Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Jackie's Decision

Gentle Reader,

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Jackie has decided to move in with Leeland Dante. Not only have they moved in together, but they are now man and wife.

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I had been invited me over for dinner to meet her new husband and see their new home. Leeland greeted me, attempting to charm and dazzle me, I suppose in hopes that I will accept him as part of the family. Intriguing, doesn’t this one know a spouse is merely a means to an end and nothing more?

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It is good to see my Jackie again. She has grown in to a lovely young woman. It seems like just last week that she was sitting in my home discussing the fate of my spouses with her step-father Jeff Nielson.

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I am amazed at her strength of character; Jackie laid down the law. As long as I am a guest within her home I am to behave myself and treat her family with respect. Her home… her family… hmmm… apparently I have taught my daughter well. Fine, per her wishes I will hold my tongue… for now.

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I spoke with Leeland, gently probing him for answers to scenes I have witnessed from my home across the street. Naturally he claims the women he’s had over are to further their careers. Such a response is what I would expect from a romancer, haven’t I used such explanations myself? To his credit, I know he has not acted on his primal impulses with these women… yet.

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Jackie has taken the time to explain to Leeland the importance of family, and more to the point, those that marry in to our family and confirmed rumors surrounding the demise of my past husbands. I’m sure he has understood the under lying message.

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Leeland and Jackie are excited about their family’s development. I hope for Jackie’s sake (and Leeland’s) her husband doesn’t stray, raising children alone is very difficult indeed. I’ve never held a job outside the home as she is so it will be even more difficult for her.

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All in all dinner went well and I have not changed my mind nor my opinion of this Leeland, I know his type all too well.

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Leeland called me, for the second time, I am a grandmother. Jackie has given birth, both she and their son Adrian are resting and doing well.

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Be blessed,



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