Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sixth Strand 2

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Bud did one of the strangest things for a vampire. He was rather bored and wanted to play before work. It would be his first day as a General, I’m sure he will be handsome in uniform. That is he would have been had he not decided to play outside… during the day… in the sunlight.

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Bud’s first day as a vampire, why didn’t he talk with the Countessa? Why did she not tell him the pros and cons of being a vampire? Why did he have to play with the RC car?

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When he was feeling the impact of the sun, why didn’t he come inside to me where it was safe?

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I have so many questions and no answers. I was asleep in our bed at the time and even had I been outside with Bud, would he have listened to me in order to save himself?

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Where will I turn for answers? Will I ever understand? Why Bud? Why?

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I've lost my 6th husband. I know this is the way it is as a Black Widow, it is just so hard when you lose someone that you believe you truly connect with.

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I suppose this is why I fight my feelings for Quavi Robbins. I will never have his child, I will never marry him, Quavi will never be allowed to move in to this house.

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This child I'm carrying, this last seed of my many husbands may be my last. The doctor says I am almost too old to bear anymore children. It's a relief actually. I am a romancer, and having children frightens me.

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Erin called me from school when she heard what the doctor had told me. She begged me to hold on until she got home. She will visit me soon and tell me her plans. I don’t know what my little girl is up to; I just know I must persevere.

Be blessed,
Negrita Widow-Forrester-Nielson-Samuels-Gattis-Daily-Fox



Blogger Ziese52 said...

Never? never for Quavi? Come on!

12:27 PM  

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