Saturday, October 14, 2006

The General Quarantine

Gentle Reader,

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Jose had gone to the lab set-up in the back yard, he believes I am in need of medication to rid me of this ailment of vampirism. He doesn’t understand that I have embraced my new life and he has paid for his impudence with a “suspicious ailment”. I have convinced him to quarantine himself at least until the baby is born.

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It seems quarantine did not sit well with Jose, as he prepared for work one morning the illness intensified as if he were struck and no longer able to take a breath. It must have been painful, shame I missed it. Do you think he suffered?

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Chaos is such a good boy. He sang the praises of the Reaper welcoming him to our home.

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Death has come again to our home; so does life… two lives; a boy, Jorge and a girl, Josie and a new prospect for a husband, Sonny Day.

Be blessed,
Negrita Widow-Forrester-Nielson-Samuels-Gattis-Daily-Fox-Hudson-Gomez


* Author’s note: Once I was done with their TSR Challenges, I sent Sonny Day and Ann Chovie to be Downtownies.


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